Sol Ideas Technology Development offers substantial project development and project management experience to enterprises in the fields of materials science, optoelectronics and educational materials. The founder and owner of Sol Ideas, Greg P. Smestad, Ph.D., has a background in research and industry of over 25 years. Whether it is via due diligence work, reviewing grant proposals for government agencies, or advising companies on technical matters related to solar conversion, we can shorten the length of time it takes a potential product or product enhancement to reach the production stage.

A published author in the fields of optoelectronics, materials science, and energy policy, Dr. Smestad served as an editor for the international journal Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. In addition to many scientific papers, Dr. Smestad published a tutorial book on the Optoelectronics of Solar Cells.
Dr. Smestad is currently active in the field of PV soiling for which he has been part of research teams contributing both basic and applied knowledge. The accumulation of soiling on photovoltaic (PV) modules affects PV systems worldwide. Soiling consists of mineral dust, soot particles, aerosols, pollen, fungi and other contaminants that deposit on the surface of PV modules. For details, please refer to our PV soiling page.

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Dr. Smestad is currently available for consulting on a case-by-case basis. Fees are based on project parameters, time and materials. To inquire about our services and receive a preliminary price quote, please contact us.