Sol Ideas Technology Development is a consulting firm with expertise in the application of technologies used for solar energy, especially in photovoltaics (PV). As an experienced scientist, educator and researcher in materials science, optics and solar measurements, Greg P. Smestad, Ph.D. offers peer review, scientific evaluation, technical due diligence, as well as outdoor solar sensor and PV module evaluation. Our clients range from solar installers, asset managers, investors, developers, advisors and government agencies to PV manufacturers and companies all along the PV supply chain.
The latin word “Sol” connects you to the Sun. We connect those with “ideas” to the right R&D path for the development and understanding of their solar energy businesses.
Our expertise stems from:
- Extensive prior consulting work
- Characterization and testing of PV cells and modules; PV Soiling
- A solar cell book – Optoelectronics of Solar Cells
- 25 years in Solar Energy
- A long standing commitment to education
- Over 25 years as an editor for Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
Dr. Smestad is currently available for consulting on a case-by-case basis. Fees are based on project parameters, time and materials. To inquire about our services and receive a preliminary price quote, please contact us.
Keep up with what we have been up to. This includes: new publications, research projects, seminars, conferences, interviews and events
Solar Journal
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
An International Journal devoted to the promotion of photovoltaic (PV), photothermal and photochemical solar energy conversion
Solar Cell Book
Tutorial and Text
A tutorial text on solar cells from an optical and thermodynamic perspective