Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail Guide
  Music - A la Virgen de los Dolores
A la Virgen de los Dolores sheet music

Virgen de los Dolores



This rendition of Virgen de los Dolores is from a Libro titled: Coleccion de Cantos Sagrados Populares, para uso de las Iglesias, seminarios y colegios catolicos, con Acompanamiento, Editorial Progreso 1952, Mexico. John Warren of the New World Baroque Orchestra has this book.

This may be the song mentioned in the diary of Fray Pedro Font on Tuesday, October 24, 1775 when he describes the burial of the woman who died in childbirth. He writes, "We set out from La Canoa and halted at Punta de los Llanos... On the way the people and I went saying the Rosary for the deceased, and I finished by singing the Salve of the Virgin of Los Dolores..."

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